Meet The Crew
Name: Kyle Scanlan
Major: Physics (B.S.)
Bio: After exploring the fields of Philosophy, Religious Studies, and Biochemistry, Kyle has finally settled on a major and is on the fast track to receiving his undergraduate degree and heading for graduate school at UC Berkeley. Beyond the aforementioned topics, his interests include science, art, mathematics, music, and generally anything out of the ordinary.
Name: Jason Ki
Major: Computer Systems Engineering
Bio: My name is Jason Ki and I am an Undergraduate majoring in computer systems engineering. In my free time I go on road trips with friends and travel to Asia with family.
Name: Laurie Rogers
Major: Anthropology (B.A.)
Bio: Hi! I'm Laurie and I am currently working on the Rocks Around the World Program. Although I am an Anthropology major, I very much enjoy working with all of the rocks that we have received. I especially enjoy reading people's stories from around the world. In my spare time I enjoy going to the movies, playing bike polo, and reading.
Name: Leondest Staley
Major: Geology (B.S.)
Bio: Hi, my name is Leondest Staley, and I am a Geological Sciences undergrad, which means that I am learning to study rocks. The Rocks Around the World program is a great place for me to expand my rock classification skills. I enjoy studying rocks in the field and I am the treasurer of the Association of Geoscience Students at ASU, this is a group of students that enjoy taking trips around Arizona to observe the local geology.
Name: Christopher Edwards
Major: Geology (B.S.)
Bio: My name is Christopher Edwards. I am an Undergraduate at ASU and am currently doing Undergraduate Research for the Mars Space Flight Facility. My part of the Rock Around the World Program consists of helping out whenever things are very busy. I enjoy playing Bike Polo and going to the movies.
Name: Theresa Rogers
Major: Humanities (B.A.)
Bio: Hello! My name is Theresa and I am, finally, nearing completion of a B.A. in Humanities, because I could never decide on just one area to study. I enjoy working on the Rocks Around the World program because we get mail and rocks from so many interesting places and fascinating people. I'm learning a lot of geography! In my "spare time" I enjoy being a mother of four grown children and grandmother to Jacob (6), Maia (3) and Oscar (1)! I enjoy movies, music, reading, hanging out at my local coffee shop and taking my two dogs to the park.
Name: Phil Christensen
Major: Ph.D, Geophysics and Space Physics, UCLA, 1981
Bio: I have been interested in rocks and space since I was about 10. As a geologist I have traveled to many countries collecting rocks to compare with the measurements of rocks we get from the experiments we've sent to Mars. I got the idea for Rock Around The World on a trip to Iceland. After traveling 14 hours to get there, when I arrived there was a school right across the highway from the rocks I was collecting. I thought -- "I could have just asked these students to send me a rock from their school and saved all the effort of getting here!" I still love to travel and collect rocks, but now we have a way to get a lot more rocks than I could ever collect.