Rock Around The World Records
- One of the rocks that travelled the farthest is
RATW04899 from Ian and his father Greg.
This rock was collected near the town of Noggerup in the Southwest of Western
Australia. Noggerup is approximately 9,660 miles (15,550 km) from the Mars
Space Flight Facility in Tempe, AZ.
- One of the closest rocks we have received is RATW03325 from Annika A. in Tempe, AZ
- One of the oldest rock submitters is
Elsie N., aged 95.5. The rock RATW08926 was found at Snake Butte, south of Fort Belknap Indian Agency and Harlem, Blaine County, Montana, USA
- One of the youngest rock submitters is Jafari D., 3 months old when the rock was sent, who sent us RATW05153 from East Victoria Park, Western Australia.
- One of the most unusual locations we've received a rock from is
Fjordskolen, Greenland, from where some seventh- and eighth-graders sent us